Rules & Regulations

 Rules for Full-Ice

 3-on-3 Hockey 

All players playing in the league, whether as full-time players or spares, MUST be registered.  
Roster Requirements
1. MINIMUM   - All teams must have a minimum of ten paid members: (9) skaters plus one (1) goaltender. 
     1.1 If a team has less than five (4 skaters and a goalie) for a game, the points are forfeited. Referees must stay and the game shall be completed and ice time used. You can get a couple of players from the other team, if they are willing to do so to make use of the ice.
     1.2 If a team has no goaltender for a game, one player must stay in the defensive zone and CANNOT go past the ringette line. In the event that there is no goalie on a team and a penalty shot is called against that team, a goal will automatically be awarded. Once the goal is awarded, the offending team will gain possession of the puck in their zone.
  The other team must clear the center ice line before attacking. In instances where coincidental penalties are assessed, the goal shall still be awarded to the team with a goalie and the team without a goalie will take their penalty shot.
     1.3 Should a team choose to pull their goaltender during the course of the game, the replacement player is not restricted to the ringette line.
 2. MAXIMUM - Teams can carry a maximum of thirteen (13) players, which can include two (2) goaltenders. Exceptions may apply at the league's discretion.
     2.1 Teams may dress a maximum of twelve (12) skaters plus one (1) goaltender for any game OR ....
     2.2 Teams may dress a maximum of eleven (11) skaters plus two (2) goaltenders for any game
     2.3 Teams may carry a maximum of 5 spares
     2.4 League directors have the right to approve all team rosters at their discretion.
3. SPARES: Spares must register and pay a $25.00 fee in order to be eligible to play in the league. Spares may only play in the absence of a registered full time player. Spares MUST be noted on
     each game sheet.
     3.1 In an attempt to maintain level play within divisions, teams may only use spares whose skill levels are equal to the average skill level of their team. For example: Bantam lower
           tiered teams may not use AA or AAA spares. Teams dedicated spares must be approved by the league.
     3.2 Spares will be charged twenty dollars ($20.00) per game payable to the coach of the team they are playing for. The coach collecting gets to keep these monies.
     3.3 Registered full-time players assigned to a team may spare for other teams within their division and skill level. 
     3.4 In order for spares to be eligible for playoffs, s/he must have played at least two (2) games with the requesting team during the regular season. In the event a team is missing a
           regular goalie for a playoff game, the league may place or permit a substitute registered goalie on that team regardless of the above ONLY if the league has been notified
     3.5 Use of illegal players - see point 2.8 under GAME RULES below.
     4.1 One adult must be on the bench at all times. Any person over the age of 21 shall be considered an adult for the purpose of our league.  Parents are welcome to be on the bench
           to open gates, bench management, etc.
1. UNIFORMS: Teams will be provided with jerseys and socks which are to be worn throughout the season. Please note that should there be a similar jersey color conflict within a
     divisional game, the home team will be given a set of pinnies. It will be the responsibility of the home team to wear these pinnies.
2. DRESSING ROOM SUPERVISION is a must and will be administered by the team itself. Teams will be liable for any damages to facilities and will be subject to suspensions.
3. TIMEKEEPER / SCOREKEEPER: Each team is responsible to have one timekeeper or scorekeeper per game. There MUST be one present for each game from each team.
     3.1 The League will supply game sheets. Please indicate both Coach's names and cell numbers on the game sheet.
     3.2 The referee will blow the whistle upon a goal and indicate a goal in the normal fashion.  He will not come to the box so the timekeepers must be alert. With one from each
           team, there will be no disputing the final game score.
 4. GAME SHEETS: The home team must email a clear picture of the game sheet to The picture must include the entire game sheet including the referee's
     signatures and any write ups.
     4.1 Failure by the home team to have the score sheet submitted within forty-eight (48) hours will result in the home team forfeiting the game one-zero (1-0).
5. GAME CANCELLATIONS and no-shows are not allowed and will result in the offending team forfeiting the game one-zero (1-0).
     5.1 If both referees are a no-show, the game may be re-booked if both teams agree. Make-up games may be on weekends.
     5.2 Rescheduling of games for any other reason is not allowed as there is no guarantee ice will be available.  
     5.3 Teams are asked upon registration to list any blackout dates. We will try to accommodate these requests to the best of our  ability.
     5.4 If you are unable to make a game you must let the league know as soon as possible so the other team can make arrangements to use the ice time i.e. exhibition game with the
           spares or another team.
6. EQUIPMENT: All players must wear proper protective equipment as outlined by the Hockey Canada Rule book. This includes a CSA-certified helmet, to which a CSA-certified facial
     protector must be clearly attached and not altered in any way. A BNQ-certified throat protector is mandatory - no exceptions. If a player fails to properly wear a throat protector
     at any time, including warm ups, the team shall receive 1 warning. Any additional infractions will result in the player(s) being ejected from the game and subject to suspension.
     Officials will report to the league any ejections regarding this rule.
Game Format
1. Ice slots are one (1) hour to be comprised of the following:
           00:00-02:00 Warm-Up *Two (2) minutes.
           02:00-27:00 First Period *25-minutes straight-time.
           27:00-29:00 Intermission *Two (2) minutes.
           29:00-54:00 Second Period *25-minutes straight-time.
           54:00-60:00 Shoot-out (if necessary)
NOTE: There are no timeouts and teams will keep the same side for the whole game. 
Game Rules
1. SCORING: After any goal, the team that scored must retreat to the centre ice red line before attacking. Please note that all three players must cross the center ice red line before
     they can attack. The team that has been scored on will retrieve the puck, regroup quickly and break out of their own zone before the opposing team forechecks them. If the puck
     crosses the center ice line, then this rule no longer applies and any player, regardless of their position on the ice, may play the puck.
    1.1 If the team that scored does not have all skaters clear the center ice red line before attempting to play the puck, a penalty shot will be awarded to the team who was just 
           scored on.
    1.2 Once a goalie makes a save and freezes the puck, the referee will whistle the puck dead and the attacking team must clear the blue line. A penalty shot will be awarded if this
           is not done.
    1.3 For all divisions, players will be limited to 5 goals maximum per game. If a player with 5 goals is awarded a penalty shot, another player who was on the ice at the time of the
          infraction may shoot in his/her place. Players with 5 goals cannot shoot in an overtime shootout.
2. PENALTIES: Any and all infractions will result in a penalty shot (CHA Rule Book).
    2.1 On a delayed penalty the non-offending team can score and the penalty shot is still to be awarded. This is intended to discourage teams from taking penalties.
    2.2 If coincidental penalties are assessed in the same stoppage, each team gets a penalty shot.
          - There will be NO LINE CHANGES prior to a penalty shot unless it is to replace a pulled goalie.
          - All players on the ice will be asked to go to the red line and go down on one knee outside the center ice face off circle.
          - The shooter will proceed from the center ice dot on the referee's whistle. The shooting player MUST take a shot on net. If the player attempts to pass the puck, the play will be
             whistled down and possession of the puck will be given to the defensive team. The attacking team must then clear the blue line.
          - The defensive team can back-check once the shooter has crossed the blue line.
          - If a goal is scored, the shooter must clear the red line before his/her team can forecheck.
          - If no goal is scored the puck is live. Rebounds allowed.
          -In the case where multiple penalty shots are being taken due to multiple penalties, rebounds will only be allowed after the last penalty shot.
          - Where both teams are guilty of penalties, the penalties will be cancelled out to allow for the fewest amount of penalty shots awarded.
             Examples are as follows:

           Team A: 1 minor penalty Team B: 1 minor penalty
           Results: 1 shot each by order of occurrence

           Team A: 2 minor penalties Team B: 2 minor penalties
           Results: 1 shot each by order of occurrence

           Team A: 1 minor penalty Team B: 2 minor penalties
           Results: 1 penalty shot for team A. No other shots allowed

           Team A: 1 minor penalty Team B: 3 minor penalties
           Results: 2 penalty shots awarded to Team A

Penalty cancellations will follow this guideline. With the exceptions to Major or Match penalties, those penalty shots and awarded goals shall still be permitted. In cases where more than one penalty shot is awarded in the same stoppage, any player who was on the ice at the time of infractions may take the additional shots. All penalties assessed must be recorded on the game sheet. If there are penalties called at the end of the 1st period, the penalty shot(s) shall be taken prior to the teams taking their respective breaks. Chasers and rebounds will not be permitted. If there are penalties assessed at the end of the game, the penalty shot(s) will only be taken if the potential goal(s) would have an impact on the final score of the game. If the penalty shot(s) will not impact the final outcome of the game then the penalty shot(s) will not take place. The penalties are to still be recorded on the game sheet.
    2.4 The number of penalties a player takes will be kept track of on the game sheets. When a penalty is assessed, the official assessing the penalty must report it to the scorekeeper,
          who will then mark it on the game sheet. To record penalties, put a check mark in the penalty column next to the player's name. Do the same for all major penalties, PLUS
           indicate in the "Major Penalties Only" area the number of the player and the infraction.  
          2.4.1 Four (4) minor penalties per player is the maximum allowed. Any player who receives a fourth (4th) minor penalty in a game will be ejected immediately.
    2.5 MAJOR/MATCH PENALTIES - Referees will do write-ups on all major penalties on the game score sheet.  
          2.5.1 A penalty which results in a Major Penalty or Match Penalty being assessed due to injury shall result in one penalty shot plus one goal awarded to the non-offending team.
          2.5.2 The player who committed the offense shall be ejected from the game. Further suspensions may be handed out at the discretion of the Head Referee and
                   League Directors. 
     2.6 MISCONDUCTS - Any player incurring a Misconduct shall be ejected from the game immediately.
          2.6.1 Should a player receive a misconduct in the last ten (10) minutes of the game s/he will be suspended for the next scheduled game.
          2.6.2 Players who receive multiple ejections will be subject to suspension.
     2.7 SUSPENSIONS - Coaches will be notified of suspensions.  No player can play while suspended. Should a team play with a suspended player, they will forfeit that game and the
           suspended player will be removed from the league. Coaches are encouraged to email immediately following the game in which a player was ejected from.  All write ups will be
           done via email and set to the league disciplinarian and Referee In Chief Jeff Howe at
     2.8 ILLEGAL PLAYERS - Any team found to be playing with an unregistered and/or unpaid player may result in maximum team suspensions up to and including expulsion from the
           league. There will be NO REFUNDS should this occur.
     2.9 ABUSE OF OFFICIALS - Will not be tolerated and can result in the offending team forfeiting the game one to zero (1-0) in addition to being assessed maximum suspensions. 
     2.10 GAME EJECTIONS - If a player is ejected from a game or receives a Major or Match Penalty, the player must either leave the arena immediately after changing or remain in the
             dressing room for the remainder of the game. Failure to comply with this rule will result in further disciplinary action to the player, including possible ejection from the league.
     2.11 SUPPLEMENTARY DISCIPLINE - In addition to suspensions imposed under these or the CHA rules, 3on3 Superleague may, at its discretion, investigate any incident that
             occurs in connection with any game and may assess additional suspensions. THERE WILL BE NO REFUNDS TO PLAYERS EXPELLED FROM THE LEAGUE.
     2.12 It is the policy of 3 on 3 Superleague that harassment and bullying in all its forms will not be tolerated during the course of the 3on3 Superleague season. Any issues will be 
              dealt with by the League in a timely and appropriate manner.     

     3.1 Intentional body checking will result in a double minor penalty in U9 and U11. In U13, U15 and U18, intentional body checking will result in an automatic double minor AND
           Game Ejection.
     3.2 Players who are guilty of body checking and become repeat offenders will be subject to game ejections and suspensions.
     3.3 Roughing/Punching - if a player becomes a repeat offender or, if in the referee's opinion, could pose a danger to other players on the ice then that player will be assessed a
           Game Ejection penalty. This would override the four (4) penalties rule.
     4.1 If the play is stopped as a result of a called offside, all players from the offending team must clear the center ice red line before attacking again.  The puck must be left where the
           called offside occurred. Should the offending team shoot the puck away from the non-offending team attempting to retrieve the puck, a delay of game penalty shall be called. 
     4.2 On a delayed offside call, the offending team must clear the blue line as per normal Hockey Canada guidelines and play can resume.
5. ICING - Teams may ice the puck at any time without penalty or stoppages in play.
6. If a puck is deflected out of the rink, there will be a normal face-off in the appropriate spot.  NO LINE CHANGES will be allowed during these stoppages. If the puck was
     INTENTIONALLY shot out, a DELAY OF GAME penalty will be called.  Any puck that is deflected out of play in an end zone will result in a faceoff at the closest dot inside
     the zone, regardless of who was responsible for the puck going out of play.
7. TIED-GAME PROCEDURE - Tied games shall have a sudden death shoot-out; one (1) shooter per side. Players with 5 goals cannot participate in the shootout. No player can shoot
     more than once until the entire team has shot. This shall continue until a winner is determined OR until the ice time expires. The HOME TEAM chooses which team shall shoot
     first and which team shall shoot second. Winner receives two (2) points. The losing team 1 point. NOTE: This shoot-out will be dependent on time permitting. Please follow the 
     warmup /intermission guidelines to ensure time at the end for this. If a shoot-out cannot be done due to ice time, the game will result in a tie, and each team will get 1 point. 
     Shoot-outs MUST be noted on the game sheet.
8. FACEOFFS:  Faceoffs shall take place for the following situations only:
     a) Start of each period
     b) Contacting puck with high stick
     c) Puck out of play
     d) Injuries that causes a stoppage in play
     e) Net dislodged causing a stoppage in play
     f) Hand passes
Aside from the start of each period, LINE CHANGES WILL NOT BE PERMITTED prior to a faceoff taking place unless it is to replace a goalie that has been pulled. Should a team make a line change prior to a faceoff during a stoppage, then a Delay of Game penalty shall be assessed.
9. PLAYOFFS: Playoff structure will be in tournament-format.
    9.1 Game slots are 1 hour and 15 minutes. 
    9.2 If the score is within 3 goals or less, the final five (5) minutes will run as STOPPED time. The clock will stop for all stoppages including penalty shots. When a penalty is called, the
            clock will stop. The clock will resume once the shooter takes the shot. In cases where there are multiple penalty shots,  the clock will only resume once the final shooter takes
            his/her shot. Timekeepers must be notified of this prior to the start of each playoff game.
    9.3 Each team will be allowed one 30 second time out per game for playoffs only. The team calling the time out MUST HAVE POSSESSION OF THE PUCK in order to call the
             time out. Faceoffs after the time out, will take place at the faceoff dot closest to where the puck was when the time out is called.
    9.4 TIED-GAME PROCEDURE - Overtime comes into effect on all playoff games. Overtime shall be five (5) minutes of SUDDEN DEATH  run time. The first team to score will be
            the winner. There will be NO STOP TIME IN OVERTIME. Should the score remain tied after five (5) minutes, then a standard 3 on 3 shoot-out will commence with the
            home team deciding which team shoots first.  Each team will choose 3 shooters. If the score is still tied after the three (3) shooters, a sudden death shoot-out occurs.
            No player can shoot more than once until the entire team has shot. Goaltenders are not permitted to shoot in the shootout.
 10. U9, U11 and U13 SUPPLEMENT: In the U9, U11 and U13 divisions, should the score reach a differential of 7, the losing team can put an extra player on the ice until the game is
       within 2 goals. Once the game is within 2 goals, the team with 4 skaters must remove the extra skater and the game is to be played at 3 on 3 again.
11. Teams/players can be removed from the league at the discretion of league directors. This will be enforced should teams/players not abide by the rules on or off the ice. Should a
       team/player be removed from the league, all payments will be forfeited and there will be no refunds issued. 
12. FIGHTING:  The league has a 0-tolerance policy to fighting. Any player who fights shall receive a MINIMUM suspension of 3 games. Any player who is assessed an instigator
      penalty shall receive an additional 2 games to their 3 game minimum. Any player who fights for a second time in the season shall be ejected from the league with no refund.
      Any team that receives more than 1 fighting major in a season may be subject to additional disciplinary measures.

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